Friday, September 30, 2016

Periodontal Health and the Battle of the Sexes


Periodontal disease and its associated complications affect both men and women, so it’s important that both sexes are doing everything they can to maintain their periodontal health. However, Research published in the Journal of Periodontology suggests that women are more proactive in maintaining healthy teeth and gums than men. In fact, the study found that women are almost twice as likely to have received a regular dental check-up in the past year, and women in the study also had better
indicators of periodontal health, including lower incidence of dental plaque than men.

Overall, the study suggested that women have a better understanding of oral health, as well as a more positive attitude towards dental visits. This understanding is important for women, as hormonal fluctuations throughout a woman’s life may affect her periodontal health and, therefore, overall health. Certain life stages may increase women’s susceptibility to periodontal disease, which may require special attention:

• Puberty: Studies show that elevated hormone levels may cause an increase in gum sensitivity and lead to a greater inflammatory reaction, which can cause gums to become swollen, turn red, and feel

• Menstruation: During menstruation, some women may experience menstruation gingivitis, which may
cause gum bleeding, redness, or swelling of the gums between the teeth.

• Menopause: Hormonal changes may cause women to experience discomfort in their mouths, including pain, burning sensations in the gum tissue, or mouth sores.

Men have special periodontal health considerations, as well. A June 2008 Lancet Oncology study found that men with periodontal disease may be more likely to develop kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, and blood cancers. Periodontal disease has also been linked to higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

Both men and women should strive for periodontal health by brushing twice each day, flossing
at least once each day, and seeing a dental professional, such as a periodontist, regularly.
Additionally, it’s a good idea to get a comprehensive periodontal evaluation every year. A dental
professional, such as a periodontist, can conduct this exam to assess your periodontal
disease status.

Oral Health Survey: Men vs. Women

A recent survey conducted by the American Academy of Periodontology found some
interesting results including:

• Women are 26 percent more likely than men to floss on a daily basis.

• 74 percent of women would be embarrassed by a missing tooth (a possible consequence of
periodontal disease), compared to 57 percent of men.

• Women are almost twice as likely to notice missing teeth on another person than men.

• 44 percent of women are aware that periodontists can help
contribute to overall good health,
compared to 33 percent of men.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Helping you put on your best smile; here's how it's done!!!!

Create a Beautiful Smile with Periodontal Plastic Surgery

A confident, beautiful smile is one of the first things people notice about your face. If you’re not happy with your smile, a periodontist can help! Just as cosmetic surgery has been helping people improve their appearance, several periodontal plastic surgery procedures are available to help enhance the aesthetics of your teeth and gums.

Here are some examples of popular procedures:

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a procedure to remove excess gum tissue, exposing more of the “crown” of the tooth. This procedure is for patients who feel their teeth are too short or their gum line is uneven. The gum line is then sculpted to create the right proportion between gum tissue and tooth surface. This can be done to just one tooth, or to enhance your entire smile.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed in the jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge in
place, or to provide support for a denture. Dental implants are the answer for many people with
missing or damaged teeth- implants look and feel just like your own teeth!

Root Coverage

During a root coverage procedure, gum tissue from your palate is used to cover the exposed tooth roots. These procedures are used to cover roots, develop gum tissue where needed, or to make dental implants look more natural. In some cases, this procedure can cover exposed roots to protect them from decay or prepare your teeth for orthodontic treatment. Your tooth sensitivity may be reduced as well, and your smile may also improve!

Ridge Augmentation

Ridge augmentation procedures are used to correct irregularities in the jawbone where your natural teeth are missing. They are also used to prevent the jawbone from collapsing after a tooth extraction, and help to even out dental implants that may seem too long compared to the rest of your teeth.


Pocket Depth Reduction

Deep pockets caused by periodontal disease can be corrected through pocket depth reduction. This
procedure is used to clean the pockets and secure the gum tissue in its original place. Reducing pocket depth and eliminating existing bacteria are important to prevent damage caused by the progression of periodontal disease and to help maintain your healthy smile.

Combination Procedures

Sometimes you may need a few of these procedures to build the framework for your perfect smile.
Often, periodontal plastic surgery is used to lay the foundation for further cosmetic enhancements,
such as orthodontics and veneers. A combination of periodontal procedures can result in a beautiful
new smile and improved periodontal health- your keys to smiling, eating, and speaking with comfort and confidence.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Pregnancy and Periodontal Disease

Pregnancy and Periodontal Disease

There used to be an old wives’ tale that said “A tooth is lost for every child.” While it may seem far fetched, it may actually be based loosely on fact. Your teeth and gums can be affected by
pregnancy, just like other areas of your body.

Most commonly, pregnant women can develop gingivitis, or pregnancy gingivitis, beginning in
the second or third month and can increase in severity through the eighth month of pregnancy. During this time, some women notice
swelling, bleeding, redness, or tenderness in the gum tissue.

In some cases, gums swollen by pregnancy gingivitis can react strongly to local irritants and form a large lump. These growths, called pregnancy tumors, are not cancerous and are generally painless. They usually disappear
after pregnancy, but some may require removal by a dental professional, such as a periodontist. The best way to avoid periodontal conditions
associated with pregnancy is to begin with healthy gums. If you are thinking about becoming pregnant, you should visit your
dentist or periodontist for a comprehensive periodontal evaluation.

If you are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, you need to know that your periodontal health
may affect the pregnancy and ultimately the health of your baby. Pregnant women who experience
periodontal disease during their pregnancies may be twice as likely to develop preeclampsia, which is
characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. It can put you
and your baby at risk for severe complications.

Additionally, studies have suggested that women who experience periodontal disease during pregnancy may be at risk of having a premature or low birth weight baby. The good news is
that researchers are making strides to find out exactly how periodontal disease affects pregnancy outcomes. Some studies have suggested that treating periodontitis during pregnancy may reduce the risks of a preterm birth. Preventing gum problems from developing during the stresses of pregnancy also appears to be important in improving the health of mother and baby.

If you are already pregnant and have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, treatment by
your dental professional may reduce your chances of having a preterm, low birth weight baby.
Talk to your dentist or periodontist for more information. If you’re considering pregnancy, it’s a good
idea to include a periodontal evaluation as part of your prenatal care. A healthy mouth can help
give you, and your baby, something to smile about!

Infertility Treatment

Researchers have found that women undergoing infertility treatment and who are subjected
to ovulation induction for more than three menstrual cycles had higher levels of gingival inflammation and bleeding. More studies are needed to examine the impact of infertility treatments on periodontal health. Until more information is known, meticulous at-home oral care
including routine tooth brushing and flossing and regular cleanings by a dental professional is a practical approach while receiving infertility treatment.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Remember to Visit Your Dentist/Periodontist Regurlarly

Your Annual Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation (CPE)

You already know that visiting your dental professional regularly for a check-up and cleaning is an essential part of keeping your oral health at its best. However, these visits may not specifically look for signs of periodontal disease.

The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) recommends that you receive a comprehensive periodontal evaluation, or CPE, annually to determine if you have or if you are at risk for periodontal disease. By assessing your periodontal health yearly, you and your dental professional will know how healthy your teeth and gums are, and will be better able to assess if you need additional treatment.

Your CPE can be performed at your regular yearly check-up by a member of the dental team, including a general dentist, registered dental hygienist, or periodontist.

Your dental professional will assess these six areas during your CPE:

1. Your Teeth: Your dental professional will examine your teeth and any restorations you might have, including dental fillings, dental implants, crowns, and dentures. During the examination of your teeth, he or she will note the position of the teeth and their closeness to one another.

2. Your Plaque: The amount and location of any plaque and/or tartar will be assessed

3. Your Gums: An instrument called a dental probe will be inserted into the space between your tooth and gums to measure the depth of your gum pockets and to see how well your gums attach to your teeth. Any bleeding that occurs during the probing process, as well as any inflammation of your gums, will also be recorded.

4. Your Bite: Your dental professional will then observe your bite, also known as occlusion. While you bite down, your dental professional will look to see how your teeth fit together and for any signs of tooth movement or loose teeth. This is important because moving or loose teeth can be a sign of periodontal disease.

5. Your Bone Structure: Your dental professional will examine the bone in and around your mouth since it can be affected by periodontal disease. X-rays may be taken to help evaluate the quality of bone in your upper and lower jaw areas and to determine if any bone loss has occurred.

6. Your Risk Factors: You will be asked about a variety of risk factors for periodontal disease, including age, tobacco use, if anyone else in your family has periodontal disease, or if you have another systemic condition that may be linked to periodontal disease, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

When your dental professional has finished your comprehensive periodontal evaluation, he or she will discuss the findings with you and explain if any treatment is needed. This is a good time to ask any questions you may have about the evaluation, findings, or anything else regarding your oral health.

In addition to brushing twice each day, flossing at least once each day, and seeing your dental professional for regular cleanings, receiving your annual CPE is an essential part of your oral health routine.